Custom Scalars

If our GraphQL schema includes custom scalar types, we'll need to configure Ferry's code generator to properly handle them.

Configuring our build.yaml file

Let's say our GraphQL schema includes a Date scalar that we want to map to Dart's DateTime type.

Configure Type Overrides

Specifying a Type Overrides tells the generator what Dart types to use when generating a type from our GraphQL schema (in this case our custom scalar type).

enabled: true
name: DateTime

The key in the yaml Map should be the name of our custom scalar in our schema (i.e. "Date"), and name should be the name of the Dart type.

If our Dart type is not part of the dart:core library, we'd also need to import the file that contains the Dart type. DateTime is a part of dart:core, but if it weren't, we'd import it like so:

enabled: true
name: DateTime
import: "package:my_date_library/date_time.dart"

Configure Custom Serializer

If our Dart type is not a Dart Data Type, we also need to define a custom serializer so that the generated classes can correctly serialize & deserialize the data.

Assuming we've created a DateSerializer for our custom Date scalar, we will need to include it in our serializer_builder:

enabled: true
schema: my_project|lib/graphql/schema.graphql
name: DateTime
import: "package:my_date_library/date_time.dart"
- import: "package:path/to/date_serializer.dart"
name: DateSerializer

Complete build.yaml Example

Here's an example of what our final build.yaml might look like.

enabled: true
schema: my_project|lib/schema.graphql
name: DateTime
import: "package:my_date_library/date_time.dart"
- import: "package:path/to/date_serializer.dart"
name: DateSerializer
enabled: true
schema: my_project|lib/schema.graphql
name: DateTime
import: "package:my_date_library/date_time.dart"

Creating a Custom Serializer

For Ferry to create instances of our generated Dart classes, with data from a GraphQL server, we'll need to create a custom built_value serializer to handle the custom scalar type.

Let's assume that our GraphQL server returns our Date scalar as an int timestamp. Then, a custom serializer can look like this:

import 'package:built_value/serializer.dart';
class DateSerializer implements PrimitiveSerializer<DateTime> {
DateTime deserialize(
Serializers serializers,
Object serialized, {
FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified,
}) {
assert(serialized is int,
"DateSerializer expected 'int' but got ${serialized.runtimeType}");
return DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(serialized);
Object serialize(
Serializers serializers,
DateTime date, {
FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified,
}) =>
Iterable<Type> get types => [DateTime];
String get wireName => "Date";

And that's it! Now when we run our pub run build_runner build command, Ferry's generators will automatically override our GraphQL Date scalar with the Dart DateTime type and use our DateSerializer to serialize & deserialize data.

Using StructuredSerializers

We've implemented the above DateSerializer using the PrimitiveSerializer from built_value. However, if we were building a serializer for a non-primitive Dart type, we'd probably want to use the StructuredSerializer instead.

Since built_value doesn't use standard Json by default, rather than implementing StructuredSerializer directly, we may prefer to extend the JsonSerializer from gql_code_builder. For example, here's a serializer for the Operation type from gql_exec that Ferry's generators use internally.

import "package:built_value/serializer.dart";
import "package:gql/language.dart";
import "package:gql_exec/gql_exec.dart";
import "package:gql_code_builder/src/serializers/json_serializer.dart";
class OperationSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Operation> {
Operation fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Operation(
document: parseString(json["document"] as String),
operationName: json["operationName"] as String,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson(Operation operation) => <String, dynamic>{
"document": printNode(operation.document),
if (operation.operationName != null)
"operationName": operation.operationName,

For more information about serialization using built_value, check out this blog post.